Walantanalinany Palingina is a Tasmanian Aboriginal community multi-arts initiative, motivated by conversations and dreams that have existed in our community for many, many years. Dating back to 2016, a group of Aboriginal community members with the support of Contemporary Art Tasmania, sat around the table in conversation. A shared commitment and excitement at putting contemporary Aboriginal Arts Practice at the foreground of Tasmanian arts practice was ignited resulting in the founding of WaPa, our abbreviation for Walantanalinany Palingina. Learn more here.
We’re building a blog! Our first blog posts will feature the Circles of Knowledge & Community Conversations programs we’ve hosted. Check back soon for more details about these and coming programs hosted by WaPa.
This curated gallery space will feature community artists and images of their practice. Our current online gallery features works by Michelle Maynard, maikutena Vicki-Laine Green and Lillian Wheatley. Artworks are listed left to right: Grass Wall Hanging by Lillian Wheatley; Graphic Lino Print by Michelle Maynard for Cafe in the North, Flinders Island; Limpets by Michelle Maynard; Bull kelp water carrier and shell necklace by maikutena Vicki-Laine Green; Naturally dyed fabric by maikutena Vicki-Laine Green; Necklace by Lillian Wheatley; Echidna quill necklace by maikutena Vicki-Laine Green.

Feature your work in our Gallery
We want to showcase community artists and their practice via our online gallery. If you’d like the opportunity to show your work, please contact the team with high resolution images of your works, their titles and your written permission to publish them on our website. Community artists and their work will be shown for a period of one month.